MAtex offersfiberglass and resin for RTM process, to produce: autoparts, camiones de fibra de vidrio, campers fibra de vidrio...1)Infusion Mat / RTM Mat/ RovicoreM300|PP180|M300,M450|PP180|M450,M450|P···
Supply:fiberglass and resinfor frp panel/frp sheet/roof tile(laminas de fibra de vidrio, lamina traslúcida, laminas transparentes)1)Roving for FRP PanelBrand: JUSHI (ER12-2400-872) & CTG (ERS240-···
Fiberglass and Resin for Pultrusion
MAtex offersfiberglass and resin for pultrusion process, to produce: cable tray, handrails, pultruded grating,…Silane-based sizing…1)Direct Roving (Hilo de fibra de vidrio)Roving for Pultrusion 4400···
ZTTEK is too hot in Indonesia Solartech2023
ZTTEK is popular in Indonesia,many visitor coma and see our product,talk to us the demands they need.It's a success exhibition ever! LEt's see the next move!
Welcome to the Indonesia Solartech2023
We will attend the energy storage exhibition in Indonesia,Let's find us ,go to our booth(A3Q3-02) and have a talk!!